Board of Health Inspection Requests
According to the Allen County Food and Beverage Ordinance, “All Food Establishments must fully comply at all times with all local and state Building, Zoning and Fire Codes.” Therefore, the Fort Wayne Fire Department, in addition to other required departments, is required to approve all food establishments. All food establishments must follow all City of Fort Wayne Fire Prevention Code Ordinances and all International Fire Code requirements adopted by the state of Indiana. These include but are not limited to the following:
New ownership of an existing food establishment
New construction of a food establishment
Remodel of an existing food establishment
Existing occupancy that will begin selling either pre-packaged food items or made to order food or drink
Mobile Food Truck
Any emergency that requires a FWFD sign off to re-open such as but not limited to the following: Automatic protection system discharge (for any reason), a building fire, or a specific need on a case by case basis as required by the Board of Health.
The following is the process that needs to be followed to receive a FWFD Fire Inspector signature on a Food Establishment Sign-off Sheet:
Visit the Fort Wayne- Allen County Department of Health to obtain the Food Establishment Sign-off Sheet.
200 E Berry St, Suite 360; Fort Wayne, IN 46802
When the establishment is ready for a FWFD Fire Inspector to come and do the inspection, 311 MUST BE CONTACTED. If the Fort Wayne Fire Prevention Department is contacted directly, the caller will be redirected to 311 to request an inspection. 311 will then give you a submission number, not to be confused with a confirmation number. An inspector will then contact the requesting party within 3 business days.
The FWFD Fire Inspector will inspect the entire building/ business. Any critical violations shall be corrected prior to obtaining the required signature on the Food Establishment Sign-off Sheet.
30 days will be given for a follow up re-inspection. Should necessary items be corrected, the form will be signed at this time.
Depending on the nature of the violations and their severity, a Fire Inspector may sign the Food Establishment Sign-off Sheet on the initial inspection, and give the occupancy 30 days to correct the non-critical violations.
Please note: All violations and visits are subject to Fees and/or Fines as set forth by the Authority Having Jurisdiction and City Code 94.30