The Learn Not to Burn fire safety program in elementary schools begins in pre-school and continues through fifth grade with each year’s lessons building upon lessons learned the previous year. As the children grow older, the lessons progress accordingly, which not only reinforces fire safety concepts they’ve already learned, but helps the student understand the need to follow fire safety rules. Although the program primarily focuses on fire safety, the children also have the opportunity to learn about firefighting jobs and protective gear. Lessons consist of basic fire safety concepts such as stop, drop, & roll, stay away from fire and hot stuff, good fire/bad fire, smoke detector awareness, house fire escape planning and techniques, proper use of 911, home fire hazards awareness, burn prevention, personal responsibility, arson awareness and more. Each student will receive an age-appropriate activity book to take home and share with their families. This program works best when it is presented to children in the same age group. The fire and life safety programs taught to elementary school children are also offered to middle and high school groups, home schools, church groups, day care facilities, group homes and others when requested.
Please contact the Fort Wayne Fire Department Safety Education Division personnel listed below to schedule a program or to answer your questions.
Captain Andrea Burton, 260-427-5179 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Download the age-appropriate Fire Safety Activity book for your child and work on the activities together. It's never too soon to teach your child about fire safety.
Preschool Fire Safety Activity Book
Kindergarten Fire Safety Activity Book
First Grade Fire Safety Activity Book
Second Grade Fire Safety Activity Book
Third Grade Fire Safety Activity Book (Survive Alive House)
Fourth Grade Fire Safety Activity Book
Fifth Grade Fire Safety Activity Book